Wednesday 30 January 2019

Please will you pass me a map and a compass...........actually, no thank you.

Thank you for your response to my last post.  It is both humbling and empowering to have such feedback.  I know that seems a contradiction in terms but the positive and supportive comments have been hugely appreciated.
Thank you!!!

The question that has been challenging me at the moment is , "Who am I?".  We go through life with various labels, daughter, sibling, girlfriend, wife, mother,friend, nightmare, menace..........we are identified by our careers and our abilities.  But who are we, really?

That has been my challenge and nemesis over the past few weeks.  I am now standing on the precipice or gateway (subject to my emotional state) of redefining and recreating, who am I??

"Chase your passion,
not your safety"
Paulo Coelho

Sounds pretty simple,  but it is rather scary.  Do I have any idea?  Well yes,  I have lots of ideas, not always good!!  

So I was challenged to look at -
  • What I loved,  what made me happy?
  • What fulfilled a part of me that was empowering and enriching? 
  • What put a bounce in my step, and that butterfly feeling in my gut?
  • What made me grin like a Cheshire cat?
  • What scared me the most?

Well actually it is a combination of both.
It is the knowing that deep inside you have it.
It is the understanding that some will find your ideas nonsense.
It is the accepting that it is okay,  it is your idea, and will not fit everybody.
It is the belief that putting it out there you will find your tribe,  like attracts like.
It is the strength to know when you need to tweak the idea,  and the bravery to change what does not work.

It is being deliciously, unashamedly, creatively

Who am I?
I am lots of things, and the gift of being alive
allows me to
experiment, discover and be
wherever this adventure takes me.

In conclusion one of my favourite poets sums it up perfectly -

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.  It will not lead you astray."

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