Friday 30 August 2019


My blog is called Chickens in my Kitchen and Life.  This is for a very good reason,  and today as I was processing a thought about not speaking my voice authentically,  I realised that the teacher was small,  black and covered in feathers and attitude!!!!!!!!!

The challenge was where is my weak spot,  where do I give away my power.  I realised that I have never felt the ability to stand up for what I want. My dreams, needs and desires.  I can protect and stand up for others,  champion their cause.  But when it comes to me,  I cave.  Bow to pressure of other peoples needs, while knowing it is not what I truly want...............all that does it bred resentment.

Here is the thing...............I, ME , MYSELF,  nobody else is doing this.


And I have done it my entire life.

So what does this have to do with chickens???

I have a new resident,  a wee black hen from next door.  They are fondly known as the illegal immigrants.  Her mom and siblings have moved one,  not sure where to, but she has stayed.

She has savvy in abundance,  sass by the bucket load,  and when she stares me down with her beady chicken eye...........I understand that birds are the closest living creatures to dinosaurs.  

She comes when I call, runs to greet me when she sees me,  but she walks independently. If my offerings are not up to scratch,  she leaves.  Sometimes she just hangs out while I am hanging up the washing, and wanders into the house to check out what is going on.   The older chickens are mean to her,  and she shrugs it off with little concern.  She knows what she wants,  and goes about getting it.
Her self containment is obvious,  and she walks with confidence.  

She is one very together chicken!

The Universe sends teachers....................Mine has feathers!

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